About The Trust
The Yorkshire Wolds Heritage Trust is registered with the Charity Commission. It was formed in 1991 after a study of the prospects for the redundant church at Warter had revealed a lack of coordination not only between local authorities but between conservation groups too.
A need was recognised for an integrated approach to safeguard and promote this environment. The YWHT has brought together geologists, archaeologists, architectural historians, social historians, farmers and agricultural lecturers, botanists, ornithologists, zoologists, artists and writers.
The Trust has played an active role in Landscape Assessment, Countryside Character Assessment, the Ryedale District Plan, the East Riding of Yorkshire District Plan, East Riding of Yorkshire Rural Partnership, East Riding of Yorkshire Cultural Strategy and have replied to consultation on other related matters. We have recently organised Seminars to encourage villages to undertake Village Design Statements and to examine New Uses for Old Buildings.
The YWHT functions as a co-ordinating body which co-operates with the local authorities, voluntary organisations, charities and persons having aims compatible with the Trust.
Members of the Trust cooperate with the Councils of the East Riding of Yorkshire and Ryedale District. Each council has a representative on the Executive Committee.
Read our statement of mission, means and ethics.
Find out how and why to become a member.